Monday, May 9, 2016

Hertzspring Russel Diagram Lab Extra Credit

The Hertzspring Russel diagram (H-R diagram) is a graph that shows the relationship between the absolute magnitudes and spectral classes of stars; magnitude being the perceived brightness of the star. The standard H-R diagram looks a bit like this

A)    Orion stars are very similar to the H-R diagram provided. A majority of stars lie on the main sequence. Some differences include the presence of supergiants, giants, and white dwarfs. This H-R diagram is very normal, showing the age of Orion to be a relatively new nebula, in millions of years since most extremely large and hot stars still lie on the main sequence.

           1 – The luminosities and surface temperatures of the Orion Stars are all extremely luminous and hot on average. A majority of the stars on this H-R Diagram are O, B, and A stars. These stars are all have hot surface temperatures, large radii, and are increasingly blue with temperature. These stars are multiple times more massive than our Sun.
            2 – The luminosities of these stars compared with that of the Sun are hundreds to thousands of times brighter. Therefore the temperatures of these stars are four to five times as hot as the surface of our Sun.
            3 -
Hottest Star #
Largest Star #
Most Luminous Star
8 (Theta 1A)
1 (Alpha)
2 (Beta)

            4 -
Surface Temperature #16 (Mu Ori)
Radius #28 (Phi 2 Ori)

5 – Orion’s stars are a distance away. I would imagine they are hundreds to thousands of light years away due to their magnitudes from the data table.

            6 – The surface temperatures and luminosities of the nearest stars are on average very dim and consist of cooler stars than that of the Orion stars. Aside from the two stars off the main sequence, all stars lie from an A star to a M star. The majority of stars are G, K, and M stars, which are all yellow to red as absolute magnitude increases, smaller in radius as absolute magnitude increases, and become increasingly dim and cool as absolute magnitude increases.
            7 – The Sun’s surface temperature and luminosity fit in on the main sequence of this H-R Diagram. The Sun is almost in the middle of the stars on this H-R Diagram. The Sun is one of the most luminous and hottest out of this data set.
8 -
Lowest Surface Temperature #
Smallest Radius #
Smallest Luminosity #
6 (Wolf 359)
9 (Sirius B)
6 (Wolf 359)

9 – Some of these stars can easily be seen, and are the brightest in our night sky due to the close proximity of them. A majority of these stars are very dim and small, with little luminosity. With a telescope that has enough light gathering power, all of these stars could be seen.
10 – The nearest stars would be far more common than Orion’s stars. Almost all of Orion’s stars are new stars that are extremely hot and luminous. After time though, these stars die leaving behind smaller and less dim stars. Since our universe has been around for 13.6 billion years, smaller and less luminous stars should be far more common.
11 – The point of this lab was to see real data and apply to H-R diagrams that we made ourselves, and then be able to interpret the data we gathered from the lab.
12 – Orion is a young star system, our nearest stars are all relatively small and dim compared to our Sun, and our nearest stars are almost all still on the main sequence.

The H-R diagram is very useful when evaluating star clusters. It relates magnitude and spectral class in a way that can grant a great deal of more useful information about individual stars, like temperature and solar radius. The H-R diagram is probably singly the most useful tool in an astronomer's belt as it grants s much useful information in such a small area.

Classifications of Galaxies Lab w/ Trey

This lab is a test in student understanding on understanding spiral and elliptical galaxies.
Astronomers regularly are tasked with the duty of identifying strange distant galaxies to examine their properties for our own understanding of the universe and staying consistent with the science we know presently. In this lab student are simply being tasked with testing their abilities to differentiate between galaxy types.

Procedure A

1.       Irregular
2.       Spiral
3.       Irregular
4.       Spiral
5.       Elliptical
6.       Irregular
7.       Irregular
8.       Spiral
9.       Spiral
10.   Elliptical
11.   Elliptical
12.   Spiral
13.   Spiral
14.   Spiral
15.   Elliptical
16.   Elliptical
17.   Elliptical
18.   Elliptical
19.   Elliptical
20.   Irregular
21.   Spiral
22.   Spiral
23.   Spiral
24.   Elliptical
25.   Irregular
26.   Spiral
27.   Spiral
28.   Elliptical
29.   Elliptical
30.   Irregular
31.   Spiral
32.   Elliptical
33.   Irregular
34.   Irregular
35.   Spiral
36.   Irregular
37.   Spiral
38.   Spiral
39.   Spiral
40.   Elliptical
41.   Spiral
42.   Elliptical
43.   Elliptical
44.   Spiral
45.   Elliptical
46.   Spiral
47.   Spiral
48.   Elliptical
49.   Spiral
50.   Irregular
51.   Irregular
52.   Spiral

Procedure B
1.       Spiral Galaxies look like galaxies in which a central object is being orbited, and from that orbit arm-like spindles are produced and trace behind the farther out the arms appear to be. Elliptical Galaxies appear to have a distorted circular shape, which is smooth and featureless when viewed from great distances.
2.       M84 and M86 the largest galaxies of the Virgo cluster both appear to be elliptical.
3.       NGC4438 appears to be a spiral galaxy that is not facing the Hub
ble Space Telescope perpendicular to its spin, so what is seen in the image is somewhat distorted by perspective.
4.       NGC4388: Spiral, NGC4413: Spiral, NGC4402: Spiral, NGC4374: Elliptical, NGC4425: Spiral. I’ve come to these conclusions about these respective galaxies purely from visual estimation. I am actually reconsidering that they are all spiral clusters and that I may have made a mistake when looking at NGC4374.
5.       The Hercules Cluster is richest in spiral galaxies and shows the presence of many interacting galaxies.
6.       In order to capture the relative distance between the Virgo Cluster and Hercules Cluster, astronomers would need to first discover the distances between both astronomical phenomena and our own planet. From that astronomers could potentially then use geometry to triangulate the distance between the two clusters.
7.       Because my method of locating began with finding the distances of both the Virgo and Hercules clusters, knowing that the distance from the Virgo Cluster is 50 Million light-years away is simply the first step to my method. If the Virgo Cluster is 50 Million light-years away, then the Hercules galaxy would be 24,000 light-years away from Earth.

Procedure C
The elliptical galaxies present in the provided HDF image look similar in shape to the elliptical galaxies present in the Virgo and Hercules Clusters, but seem slightly different in terms of light density from the center to outer areas. I also believe that the elliptical galaxies evolved into regular shapes before the spiral galaxies as they often appear visually similar regardless of time. Most of the irregular galaxies present the HDF image appear to have blue stars which could make one infer that younger galaxies are the ones that typically become irregular. The elliptical galaxies present in the photo appear in a spectrum of yellow to red by which it can be assumed that they are older when compared to the irregulars. When comparing the HDF and cluster images, irregular galaxies seem to be missing  in the cluster image.


In conclusion, this lab was a good test on my knowledge of identifying galaxies by different types, and was a thought provoking when attempting to culminate ideas on why minute differences are present among galaxies exist. 

Spectroscopy Lab


This lab was an introductory exploration into the spectroscopy method of identifying gasses.


Spectroscopy is a scientific technique used by astronomers to determine the composition of a substance by determining what quantities of electromagnetic radiation that the substance either emits or absorbs. In this lab students will explore this scientific technique and apply it to substances seen within the classroom.


For each individual spectroscopy investigation I made charts to clarify the investigation number, how I perceived the gas color, a description of the spectrum, color peaks in the spectrum that seemed the most intense, the spectroscopy number of each line respectively, and what I assume the content of the gas is. Beneath the Charts is the emission spectra that I feel most resembles what I saw in the lab.

Investigation #
Appearance of gas color
Description of spectrum
Color peaks in spectrum by strength (strongest to weakest)
Numeric spectroscopy value of peaks (respectively)
Estimated elemental value

Investigation 1
bright white with a faint yellowish tint
Does not contain any peak colors rather a continuous spectrum
Dark spot locations not properly identified

Investigation 2
Faint violet red hue
Nearly continuous in spectrum with some distinct strong lines
R, BG, O


Investigation 3
Strong bright orange hue
Very intense frequency of lines from in one portion and some distinct lines elsewhere
R to Y, G, G
≈580 to ≈680, 540, 545

Investigation 4
Faint pale blue hue
Distinctly separate lines present with slightly different visible intensities
V, YG, Y, R
585, 555, 515,

Investigation 5
Salmonish orange pink in hue
Presence of very intense but distinctly separate lines
O, V, R, G, BG, YG, R, Y, BG
590, 450, 665, 500 470, 490, 545, 705, 570

Investigation 6
Bright yellowish orange hue
Very intense frequency of specific lines and dwindling strength in others
O, YG, R, YG, G, B
590, 565, 615, 495, 515, 465

Investigation 7
Bright bluish green hue
Very few distinctively intense lines present
Y, Y, BV, G
565, 560, 535, 545

This lab is by far one of the most fun that we have done thus far in the course. The students were given a lot of individual freedom after examining the substances. However, I will confidently bet that the students who examined the substances in class and sought their elements were more often correct than the students who noted the peaks of interest on paper and sought the names of the substances later. Even though I am in the latter group mentioned above, I still enjoyed the lab and have a heightened appreciation for astronomers using the spectroscopy method to find undiscovered things in space.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Surface of Mars Lab


This explorative lab on the surface of Mars, was one to apply knowledge from the main course of AST 115h and apply it to better understand and examine the surface of Mars.

Mars, a neighboring planet to Earth has been a celestial being of much wonder throughout modern and ancient astronomy. Some would suggest that at a younger point in the development of the solar system that Mars shows some promising possibilities for potentially having water and life at some point of its development; others would say that it is, was, and will always be a barren planet of rock. This lab research was not done specifically with examining the possibility of life on Mars as the goal, but rather an overview of Mars's existence and a scientific understanding of it from Earth's perspective.

Results and Discussion
        • A
  • Why did Astronomer Percival Lowell think he saw canals on the surface of Mars?
    • By the time of Percival Lowell's research in 1916 cars were already developed as a means for transportation, but were not adopted by the public as the standard. People at this time traveled more often down natural and artificial canals to reach checkpoints then travel by carriages to reach farther destinations. NASA definitively disapproved of Lowell's theory by the 1960s stating that Lowell's sightings of canals can be regarded as an optical illusion.
        • B
  • What are the Main features that features that you can identify from the images taken from the surface of the Earth? What might they be caused by or produced by? Can you see anything that resembles craters, mountains, or seas?
    • Retrospectively, the photo of Mars taken from the land perspective of Earth displays what appears to be a large body of mare and crater ranges. However, from the perspective of eyes that may be ignorant to Mars's body, the discoloration of the planet as viewed from the Earth's surface could certainly confuse people into believing that they're seeing a large land mass and body of water.
  • How are ground based images of Mars similar and different from space photos?
    • Ground based photos of Mars and space photos share areas of difference in shading, but the severe discoloration of ground based photos due to Earth's atmosphere can make it extremely difficult to accurately interpret what is being viewed on Mars's surface.
  • Does Mars have a lot of visible craters like the moon and Mercury?
    • Mars noticeably does not have nearly as many visible craters as the moon or Mercury, suggesting that either the surface of Mars is very young or Mars once had a much stronger atmosphere.
  • The "S"- shaped sequence of the Mars images clearly shows Mars changing in size. What is going on in the photo?
    • The reason Mars appears to be getting closer and farther in the series of photos taken is Retrograde motion from the perspective of planet Earth.
        • C
  • What are the main features of that you can identify from these two pictures of Mars? how are the images similar and different? What is going on here?
    • From the two provided pictures of Mars, one could say that he or she could see polar caps on the leftmost photo and a dusty atmosphere in the rightmost photo. I believe both of these photos are showing the two separate faces of Mars, but the leftmost photo was taken from a land perspective on Earth with color correction, while the rightmost photo was taken in space.
        • D
  • What do the four highest features on Mars appear to be and what could that mean?
    • The four highest features on Mars appear to be somewhat mountainous structures, possibly suggesting that Mars was volcanically active at one point in its lifespan.
  • In the Elevation map of the planet, What is the most noticeable difference between the Northern and Southern hemispheres of Mars? What might that mean?
    • The biggest difference between the Northern and Southern hemispheres of Mars is elevation, this difference in elevation could potentially suggest that the lower elevation regions were at one point occupied by a body of liquid that may have corroded into the opposing landmass.
  • Which hemisphere has the most impact craters? What appears to be the largest impact crater on Mars?
    • The Southern hemisphere of Mars has the largest number of visible impact craters, and holds Polar Basin, which is its largest crater.
  • What type of terrain did US spacecraft Viking I and II land in when on Mars? What were the reasons for choosing these areas? On the elevation map, were these high or low regions of Mars's surface?
    • US spacecraft Viking I and II both landed in the Northern low elevation and flat terrain portions of Mars. This was likely done so the spacecraft would have the easiest time landing on the surface of Mars with the fewest amount of hiccups.
  • What type of terrain did the US Pathfinder, Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity land on? what could have been the reason for choosing these areas?
    • All of the US spacecraft mentioned above landed in the moderately craterous portions of land that separated the barren North and mountainous South of Mars. This was likely done to study what could have caused the corrosive looking separation of the two land masses and discover what sort of material was composed within the craters of that region.
  • The Soviet Mars 3 spacecraft was the first soft landing at the Ptolemaeus Crater on Mars, why did it only transmit for 14.5 seconds?
    • The Soviet Mars 3 spacecraft was believed to have fallen over after landing in the Ptolemaeus Crater on Mars, likely due to the unstable terrain of the region or even a dust storm.
        • E
  • Why were Terra Meridiani and Gusev Crater chosen as landing sites for Mars Exploration Rovers?
    • Terra Meridiani and Gusev Crater were likely chosen as potential landing sites for rover exploration for their vast amount of small craters in the area being at the medium level of elevation that would have been impacted by the presence of a liquid body if one existed.
  • What is going on at Niger Valles?
    • Niger Valles appears to be some sort of canal-like ripple that extends from a high elevation to a lower one.
        • F
  •  If you were planning the next mission to Mars, what would its goals be?
    • If I were to plan a mission to Mars it would be one to land humans Martian soil for extensive exploration.
Though Percival Lowell was certainly incorrect in his hypothesis of Martian canals being present in the sizes he suggested and believing that it was surely a sign of intelligent life, he may have simply been on to something when just generally regarding the existence of a body of water potentially having existed on Mars.